Who We Are
We on behalf of ALL BENGAL SHINE TEACHERS OF EDUCATION aka WBSTE would like to inform you that to bring about qualitative improvement of education in our country. No sooner had we started our establishment than it mounted a number of programmes in this direction. The programme took up the shape of a scheme called West Bengal Talent Search scheme this year which provided for the identification of the talented students and awarding them with scholarship.
This scheme has a multi dimensional programme ranges from Rupees One thousand as scholarship upto One year to other included programmes. To obtain the scholarship one has to appear for a aptitude test and on the basis of the evaluation one can earn the scholarship. The selection procedure can be well defined before such test is conducted.
Apart from education, one can learn and earn through Work Education and art and craft. This is our earnest appeal to you to inspire your students to join our programme to secure his education better in his coming years.