

+ How can we register a student for Talent Search Exam?

To register a student for Talent Hunt Exam 2023-2024, go to the Register page and select the regsitration

+ How to know the exam guidelines?

To check the guideline of Talent Hunt Exam 2023-2024, go to the Guideline page. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any additional questions.

+ Where to find the Syllabus of the examination?

You can find the Syllabus go to the Syllabus Page.

+ Is there any Sample set of questions for the examination?

Yes, you can find the Same Questions please visit the Sample Questions Page.

+ Do you provide Foundation Course?

Yes we provide the foundation courses for NEET, JEE, ITI etc. To know more about our foundation course please visit Foundation Page.

+ What is the last date of Application?

The last date of enroll or registration is 10th October, 2023. Please visit the register page to register.

+ Do you have announced the Exam Date?

Yeah, we have already announced the exam date of  West Bengal Talent Search Exam. The exam date is 15th October, 2023.

+ Is it a registered Organization? Can i check the registration number?

Yes, West Bengal Shine Teachers of Education is a govt. registered organization. Registration Number: 160400006

+ Can student from CBSC board enroll for this exam?

Yes, We accept registration of student from any board.